SwiftUI's LocalizedStringKey
When doing localization with UIKit, we need to convert the key to expectation string by using NSLocalizedString
method. We also need to reload target views when language changed.
self.lblTitle = "Untitled".localized
Things getting easier with SwiftUI. There's new struct was introduced, LocalizedStringKey
. We just need to assign correct key to correct label, the rest is on the framework.
Let take a quicklook at official document.
They say, when we use the initializer with a string like Text("Hello World")
, SwiftUI will convert to a LocalizedStringKey
and uses that to lookup the a localization of the Hello World
There're some elements that use string as param for initializer
Button("Sign In", action: signIn)
Label("Lightning", systemImage: "bolt.fill")
Link("View Our Terms of Service",
destination: URL(string: "https://www.example.com/TOS.html")!)
Picker("Flavor", selection: $selectedFlavor) {
Toggle("Vibrate on Ring", isOn: $vibrateOnRing)
They are called stringLiteral
. But how about using variable instead of fixed string?
var signTitle = "Sign In"
Button(signTitle, action: signIn)
This should not work automatically to prevent unexpected values. To use localized string instead of variable's raw data, we just need to convert it to localized key manually.
var signTitle = "Sign In"
Button(LocalizedStringKey(signTitle), action: signIn)
Last but not least, it takes less effort than to UIKit to change language while app is running. A simple line of code to switch Locale
, all LocalizedStringKey
s, include all child-views, will be reloaded automatically.
.environment(\.locale, .init(identifier: "ja"))
Hope this tips will help you enjoy SwiftUI more.