Original from Julian Lee - The Sydney Morning Herald October 10, 2011
(a) It's anxious to imagine the amount of data Facebook and other social networking sites control.
(b) The knowledge of habits, interests and behavior of 10 million Australians of Facebook is higher than any government department or private organization.
(c) I can imagine people's rage if a government department had so much latest information easily available about our relationships, our location and our activities.
(d) And yet privacy laws is NOT applicable to Facebook that is a privately-owned company. There have been few calls for more government regulations on Facebook despite dissatisfaction with changes they have made to their site.
(e) It's useless waiting for regulations. Government legislation is falling to stay abreast with technologiccal developments.
(f) Facebook's power continues to grow (over 2 billion users to June 2019 and counting), it seems that people have to choose between accepting Facebook's power or cancelling their accounts.

(g) Facebook refuses to admit that it collects too much user data and aims automate the sharing of data in the future.
(h) Facebook is more partial to talk about giving power to the user to control their privacy settings and avoids talking about how it manage your personal information.
(i) To make your information more valuable, Facebook collects as much as possible, then analyze it for earning money via targeted advertising.
(j) Withdrawal from Facebook is increasing, but I wonder when we will realise that we have willingly surrendered our identity to corporations that disregard our privacy.
(g) Our loss of privacy is the negative effects we must face for such free services that help us to survive in an age of constant connectivity.
(h) Which raises the question - if Facebook values your identity, they why shouldn't you?